BOIL 1.4: --------- -Double ** at end of multiline comment works now, e.G. /* **/ -recv() now returns incomplete lines if socket is closed before newline -A cast from string to long does not interpret strings beginning with "0" as octal any more -Performance fix in mysql_result() -added chr() -Bugfix: runtime errors in expression1/2 of cond?expression1:expression2 did not cause a runtime error. BOIL 1.3: --------- -added option -b to trace runtime of function calls -added latin1toutf8() and utf8tolatin1() -added postdata_utf8tolatin1() -added postdata_utf8() -token() does not segfault any more when strtok was not called before -mysql_connect() now accepts host:port specification as host parameter -complete rewrite of string handling for better performance -added base64encode(), base64decode() and base64stringencode() -time() now saves the microseconds in variable time_usec if it exists -added md5() -fixed a bug in file_upload() concerning filenames containing ";" -fixed a bug in mysql_exec where failed querys would not be recognised -added system function filesize() -added conditional operator a ? b : c -added += (much better performance than a=a+b for strings) -if code is parsed at runtime with eval(), the setting of the system variable evalfilename will be used as "filename" in later runtime errors of the code. -added setting of func_error_file after "secure" function calls -fixed endless loop with str_repla(a,"",b) -replaced mysql_connect with mysql_real_connect in -fixed a problem with system function recursion -strtoupper and strtolower can handle german umlaut characters -Removed output of warnings in mktime() BOIL 1.2: --------- -Fixed a second bug in file_upload() -Added setproctitle() -Added double sqrt(double) -Added <% and %> to embed code -Fixed a bug in str_repl() -Fixed a bug in file_upload() -Introduced strtok1() -Fixed a bug in postdata(),getpost() -Fixed do { } while (); -Fixed a bug in parse() -Fixed a memory-leak in external function calling -Changed file_upload to store original filename -Added functions connectsock(),send(),recv() and changed function makesock() BOIL 1.1: --------- -Fixed signal handling to work with newer libc-versions (signal() -> sigaction()) -Fixed a bug under BSD for parsing function-options in declarations -Added str_repl() and str_repla() -Fixed compile-bug with missing crypt.h under certain systems -RPC-support now works under BSD -Added build-scripts for people with older make-versions. -Added inet_aton() and inet_ntoa() -bind() should now work immediately if a server is restarted -Better error-reporting for mysql BOIL 1.0beta7: -------------- -mysql-support -cgiwrap() did not work with upper case extensions -Fixed bug in file_upload that caused file corruption (shorter files, some 0s missing) -'-m size' now is maximum size of string memory, not of a single string -Faster string-handling BOIL 1.0beta6: -------------- -msql-support -Fixed bug in unescape (unescape of \\\\ returned \\\, not \\) -Removed some flaws in the Makefile -Added option to compile without RPC -Fixed compile-error: `errno' undeclared -Fixed compile-error: `SIGCLD` undeclared BOIL 1.0beta5: -------------- -Some enhancements in the documentation and the examples BOIL 1.0beta4: -------------- -Fixed compile-error with lib/ lib/ passing `int (*)(svc_req *, SVCXPRT *)' as argument 4 of `svc_register(SVCXPRT *, long unsigned int, long unsigned int, void (*)(svc_req *, SVCXPRT *), long unsigned int)' -Fixed compile-error with libs/timelib.h timelib.h:33: syntax error before `;' BOIL 1.0beta3: -------------- -By default, bison and rpcgen files are not regenerated. This should make the whole thing more compileable BOIL 1.0beta2: -------------- -Added documentation for clnt_timeout() and clnt_udp_retry() -Added option to compile without postgres